12 Different Types Of Lipstick

Color yourself, find the right shade, and learn how to express yourself by exploring different types of lipsticks that can multiply your appearance and even make you feel sexier.

Lipstick has a rich history dating back to early civilization, when men and women applied lips for aesthetic and medicinal purposes. The Sumer were the first to wear lipstick, made from substances such as fruit, henna, clay rust and insects. Mesopotamian women, on the other hand, colored and glittered their lips with precious, ground-up jewelry.

The ancient Egyptians are thought to have been the first lipstick lovers because they created hues from purple to black. They use carmine dyes and harmful substances such as lead.

In the Greek empire, prostitutes had to wear dark lips, which in the Middle Ages were associated with witchcraft, witchcraft, and Satanic worship.

Queen Elizabeth made lipstick popular again in 16th-century England, but even three centuries later it was only used by actors and prostitutes. After Maurice Levy invented lipstick in a cylindrical container in 1915, it became a recognized cosmetic again in 1920.


Cream Lipsticks

Cream-based lip balm is ideal for women with small lips. They are not shiny, but they are quite smooth and have a more even appearance. If you like, you can put lip gloss on your lipstick. It looks beautiful. Because cream-colored lipsticks contain more wax than other types of lipsticks to protect lips from dryness, they are also a very healthy balm.

Gloss Lipsticks

This is a very popular type of lipstick for women with small, thin lips, because glossy lipstick gives your lips a little shine and makes them look bigger. If you like, you can use regular lipstick under your lip gloss to blend your color and shine.

Lipstick Stains

Lipstick stains are concentrated in the color and have very little shine, and they are always persistent. These types of lipsticks are low maintenance and high impact, and they come in dozens of colors and tones.

Usually packaged in pencil, lipstick stains look great when layered with different colors, or you can simply choose a nude color if you want a subtle, soft look. Their applications are very simple. In fact, they are fun to use and wear.

Long-Wearing or Transfer-Resistant Lipsticks

If you work long hours or go to parties and don’t want to re-apply lipstick during the day or at night, you might like a long-lasting lipstick. Most of these lipsticks are meant to stay on your lips for four to eight hours, sometimes even longer, although if you eat something greasy or greasy, some of them must be reapplied. In addition, some of them even have moisturizers added so your lips don’t dry out when you wear them.

Matte Lipsticks

Some women simply don’t like the shiny lipsticks available today, which is why there are so many matte colors to choose from. When you apply lipstick, you get a flat look, not a shine, but they still have dozens of beautiful and colorful shades. Matte lipsticks make your lips look smoother and younger, and they can protect your lips if you use lipsticks that contain vitamin E and/or aloe vera.

Moisturizing Lipsticks

Whether your lips are already dry or you’re trying to prevent them from becoming dry, you can use moisturizing lip balm. These lipsticks contain aloe vera, glycerin and vitamin E, and are designed to keep lips not only moist but also smooth and supple. They also make your lips shiny and look moist, making them more attractive and healthy.

Pearl/Frosted Lipsticks

This lipstick makes your lips sparkle. They reflect light and give your lips a very shiny effect. The only downside to pearl or scrub lipsticks is that some of them can cause your lips to feel dry, heavy and even chapped, which is one of the reasons it is recommended that you moisturize your lips before using this type of lipstick.

Sheer/Satin Lipsticks

Transparent and satin lipsticks are another option when your lips are dry, as they both nourish and moisturize your lips while giving them a shine and shine. These lipsticks contain a lot of grease, so when you apply them, they may look lighter than they are in the package.

High-oil lipsticks should also be reapplied throughout the day for best results. The transparent/Satin Look is also great for evening events as it tends to produce a charming look.

Styles of Applicators

Lipstick Cream

Lipstick creams are usually contained in containers containing more than one type of lipstick, which is soft, moist and usually round or square in shape. Although most of these lipstick containers come with applicators, most women use their fingers to apply them because they are faster and more convenient. Lipsticks are easy to apply, feel good on your lips, and they’re cheap.

Lipstick Pencils

As the name suggests, these lipsticks come in the form of pencils, which makes them very easy to apply. They usually have pointed tips that make it easy to apply lipstick to every part of your lips.

With this type of lipstick, you won’t be missing any spots on your lips, because the pointy tips make it easy to apply color all over your lips. You can also buy a sharpener that keeps the tip of the pencil sharp for a long time, and these sharpeners are very inexpensive.

Lipstick Tubes/Sticks

These are the standard lipsticks that most people think of when they go out and buy lipstick. They have a top where you rotate the cartridge to get the lipstick to the right level. They are cheap, come in hundreds of styles, types and colors, and you can even buy these tube lip gloss and white or nude moisturizers. The most common type of lipstick applicator, these tubes are inexpensive and easy to use.

Liquid Lipstick

Liquid lip balm is usually in a thin tube of some kind and has a spongy tip that makes it easy to apply. There are also liquid lipsticks that you can squeeze directly from the tip of the container onto your lips. In both cases, lip balm makes your lips feel moist, easy to apply, and usually contains moisturizers so your lips don’t dry out. Liquid lip balm is usually a certain type of gloss, but can also be found in a variety of colors and tones.

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