Color yourself, find the right shade, and learn how to express yourself by exploring different types of lipsticks that can multiply your appearance and even make you feel sexier. Lipstick has a rich history dating back to early civilization, when men and women applied lips for aesthetic and medicinal purposes.Read More →

Wearing a Fanny pack can be tricky because it can make or break a person’s equipment. Here are some tips on how to wear a Fanny Pack correctly and how to wear it with the right outfit. I Can’t say out loud what I’m feeling right now. Fanny Pack? IsRead More →

Stylish. Sexy. Long. Short. Tight. Loose. Slotted or not slotted on side. Skirts have been a part of fashion history since fashion began. Today, it’s about women’s style and fashion. But the denim dress is definitely its own look, an iconic fashion statement. How many denim skirts are you wearing…Read More →

Bracelets and anklets can be worn together or alone, as long as they look good on you, fit well, and give you a confident pace. Remember, anklets are bigger than bracelets. Yes, bracelets can be worn as ankles, but not all bracelets. If your wrists and ankles are the sameRead More →

Her transformation: “Transcending lingerie” is Ingrid Guttormsen’s description of the first women’s products she designed for CDLP. The stockholm-based maker of“Sustainable luxury necessities” for men will launch its first line of women’s necessities on September 21, an exclusive offering from Net-a-porter, it also has its own electronics store. “The developmentRead More →