4 Different Types Of Eye Fillers

Here are four different types of eye fillers, with in-depth and comprehensive descriptions of each to help you understand the procedure and its side effects.

Signs of aging are never easy to accept, and many people are willing to do whatever it takes to age gracefully and stay young. With the development of medicine, there are many options to make your eyes bright again.

Eye fillers make the area under the eye look fuller and restore its brightness. There are many options to choose from, each with its own set of advantages and costs. A licensed and reputable plastic surgeon can break down your options and help guide your decisions.

Going to an appointment with an idea of how much you want to spend and what kind of treatment you like is a good place to start. You should also consider how much recovery time you need and the possible side effects of each filler.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid fillers are one of the more popular fillers on the market. It is less lumpy and smoother during application. It looks more natural and can last 9-12 months, then you may need a retouch, but it can also last longer.

It’s much easier to get, and the results are almost immediate. The most common hyaluronic acid eye brands are Juvederm, Belotero and Restylane. All of these brands are FDA-approved and safe to use.

Juvederm’s injection contains lidocaine, which helps reduce pain directly at the injection site after treatment.

Procedures using hyaluronic acid fillers usually take 15-60 minutes to complete.

Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the skin, while fillers use a synthetic gel that mimics naturally occurring substances. It is a more natural looking filler that will make the area fuller for the moment.

Of all the fillers, hyaluronic acid takes the shortest time to produce an effect. The purpose of these fillers is to add volume to facial tissue that may have experienced some damage over the years, or to those who want to add volume to areas they believe need fullness.

Common side effects usually include bruising, redness, and swelling around the area. These may occur within a few hours of treatment and should not be more than a week or two before the area heals.

More serious complications may include the formation of a lump in the eye, blindness, scarring, and nerve palsy. These complications are extremely rare and can be minimized by selecting a reputable professional.

Another rare side effect is the Tyndall effect. This means that the hyaluronic acid filler is inserted too close to the skin surface and produces a blue effect. It can cause the area to become puffy and the skin may even tear.

In this case, the filler needs to be dissolved.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are safe and rarely cause extreme side effects. They are easily managed by some registered technicians and doctors. These are the most popular types of fillers.

Poly-L-lactic Acid

Poly -LRB-l-lactic acid) was injected by linear threading technique to ensure that the filling agent was uniformly distributed in the region. Linear threading involves inserting a needle into the center of an area, such as the present, and then slowly pulling the needle out while depositing the product in the folds.

It has been approved by the FDA to restore facial fat loss. This is a safe procedure and usually lasts longer than hydrochloric acid, but it is thicker than hydrochloric acid and may present as a lump under the skin.

This is why administrators must ensure that it is evenly distributed and used correctly.

A common brand of polylactic acid is Sculptra, which has FDA approval. It does not require special preparation or pre-testing and is managed by professionals in the office. Results were seen after a single treatment, but the average duration of treatment was 3 to 4 months.

Common side effects of polylactic acid include swelling, signs of bruising around the injection site, bleeding, redness where the filler is inserted, and the possibility of a mass.

More rare side effects can have more serious effects, including allergic reactions, scarring, infections if the area is not properly prepared and cared for, possible blindness, and blisters, and, in some cases, fillers may migrate to other areas.

There may be numbness or inflammation in the area. These are rare reactions, but it is important to keep this in mind.

Polylactic acid is not commonly used in eye fillers because it is not suitable for use near the eyes. It is also not suitable for those with uncontrolled diabetes, blood clotting problems, connective tissue disease, or pregnant or lactating women.

However, it is a safe choice and professionals will best decide whether polylactic acid fillers are right for you.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite

Calcium hydroxylapatite, marketed as Radiesse, has been shown to be hypoallergenic and non-toxic. It is a convenient treatment that can be performed in the office of a Certified Professional.

Common side effects include pain at the injection site and some itching, swelling, bruising or redness around the injection site. More serious side effects may include infections and nodules on the back of your hand or under your eyes that need to be surgically removed or treated with steroids.

Other, more serious complications can occur and, if injected into a blood vessel, can cause temporary or permanent side effects. This is extremely rare, but should be discussed with your therapist.

In some cases, the area will turn white as a result of the injection.

Treatment usually lasts about 15 minutes and does not require you to rest, but it is best not to do any strenuous activities for a day or two and not to be exposed to the sun.

Radiesse is a common facial treatment option, with results lasting about two years. The effect can be seen immediately. The cost will depend on how many treatments you need and the amount of each treatment.

It is important to go to a registered technician or plastic surgeon who will be able to help you. They will be able to advise you on how many times you need treatment.

Interestingly, Radiesse gained popularity because it was approved to help people with AIDS who had reduced facial volume.

It’s made of phosphate and calcium, which are already naturally present in the body and further stimulate the production of collagen in your body.

Calcium hydroxylapatite is thicker than hydrochloric acid and is usually diluted aesthetically before use. Lidocaine is usually used to reduce the pain of an injection, but it depends on whether you are willing to use it.

Calcium hydroxylapatite is a safe product and is readily available.

Fat Transfer

Another eye-filling method that doctors may recommend is a fat transplant. This method uses fat found in other parts of your body-such as your abdomen, buttocks, inner thighs and buttocks.

Fat transplants are often a preferred option because patients want a natural substance in their body, while other fillers do make use of substances already in your body.

It is also believed that fat transplants are better for you because your body is less likely to reject material from itself.

Fat transplants are not ideal because they require a continuous blood supply to keep the fat alive and can only be done on the advice of a skilled doctor. Fat transplants are more complicated than other eye implants because they require liposuction to remove fat from your body.

If the fat transfer is not correct, several corrective operations may be required to restore the appearance of the area. Fat transplants can be much more expensive and time-consuming than other fillers.

It takes some time to recover from liposuction, which takes about an hour on average.

This is a good choice because it is a more permanent solution and is considered to have a more lasting effect. In many cases, its effects are noticed within four years of surgery.

If done right, a fat transplant is a natural filler that can correct the sunken appearance of your eyes.

A common side effect of a fat transplant is that it may present as a mass and is often difficult to control. You will experience some pain where the fat is harvested and where the fat is injected.

Bruising and swelling are also common side effects, just like any filler.

It is essential that you keep the treatment area clean and follow all instructions for postoperative care.

The operation requires a registered plastic surgeon. You will need prior counseling to determine if you are suitable for a fat transplant.

This is still a popular procedure because people prefer natural substances in the body, but the risks must first be assessed and discussed with the doctor.

What is the Procedure Like?

The procedure may vary slightly depending on which filler you and your chosen technician decide to use. They will tell you how the appointment will go on that day. On average, however, you can expect the following.

Before you arrive at your appointment, your doctor or registered technician will likely have asked you to prepare for your appointment. You’d better eat something and take some water with you.

Although the technician will sterilize the injection site, it is highly recommended that you wash your face before making an appointment to ensure that the site is 100% clean. This will reduce the chance of infection.

If you consult your therapist beforehand, they will have discussed with you where it is best to treat you.

When your appointment begins, the treatment area will be disinfected first, followed by an anaesthetic ointment and, in some cases, a local anesthetic or lidocaine injection. Then, your technician will mark the area to be treated.

The most common method of ocular implants is the linear/threading technique. This involves placing the needle in the center of the area and slowly withdrawing it while treating deposits along the area.

Once the filler is injected under the eye, the technician will smooth it out and make sure there is no lump. This is important because some fillers are thicker than others and can cause lumps if not used correctly.

Once treatment is complete, you should be able to return to your normal activities. However, you’d better avoid any strenuous activities and exposure to the sun. You should ensure that the area is kept clean to avoid infection.

Your technician will provide you with detailed instructions on postoperative care and it is important that you follow these instructions carefully.

With the right care, your fillings can last for years. You may need to trim the area every few years to make sure you still look vibrant.

If you are not satisfied with your filling, it can be dissolved, but only by a registered technician or doctor. However, the correction of fat transplantation is more complicated.

Enjoy your new young look!


It is extremely important to research highly respected professionals in your area and which fillers are best for you. Counseling will help you decide which product is best for you, and help you decide which professionals will treat you.

There are many types of fillers to choose from, and they will best suit your budget, recovery time, and desired results. Each filler lasts for a different length of time and needs to be repaired.

Taking the time to make this decision will benefit you and help you achieve the look you want.

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