7 Different Types Of House Coats (Aka Robes)

Having a robe to wear in a hotel is a special little luxury. When you put on a robe, you always feel like you’re at some kind of spa. It’s comfortable, a little flashy, and it’s acceptable to wear at home.

But when you think of a robe, or a housecoat, you may think differently from other people about the robe. Learn more about the different types of home wear, how robes are produced, and why you should always have one around.

Making robes

Robes are also known as home clothes. Less commonly, it is also called a dressing gown or dressing gown. No matter what the name, a robe is a complete, open garment that wraps the body. It has wide sleeves. Sometimes it has a attached belt, sometimes it has a large square pocket on the front.

There are variations on robes and different types of home wear, and some of their elements differ from this standard design.

Robes can be made of any material and come in many different designs. But from ancient times to modern robes is a journey across centuries, continents and cultures in style.

The first modern-day robe-like garment dates back to 16th-century Europe. These clothes are worn by men, and they are well-made. These early robes were inspired by similar Asian banded robes, such as kimonos, which were worn throughout Europe.

Like the inspiration for these European robes, these early housekeeping overcoats were made of high-end fabrics such as silk, velvet and brocade. A coat is a status symbol, a kind of mezzanine dress worn around the house. The higher the fabric, the more decorative, the wearer’s class or wealth is higher.

At the end of the 17th century, a similar kind of women’s clothing appeared. This is called a tunic, and it is a transparent, lightweight wrap-around robe that is tied around the body with a satin sash. At first, the sleeves of the robe were as long as the elbows.

Later, there were lotus leaf edges and a large number of ornaments. Mary, Marie Antoinette in robes, married the future king of France, Louie XVI. The nobles of Paris were shocked by the lightness of the dress, and basically, they said she was as good as naked. But the style caught on and inspired later robes.

By the 1860s, the robes had a modern silhouette, with shawl collars, full sleeves, and an open V-neck wrap. These robes became popular, and by the 1920s they became a common item, especially among those who tried to dress well. Beach robes became popular in the 1930s.

Sexy see-through gowns became a staple of Hollywood in the 1920s and 1930s, with many glamorous screen stars frolicking in ostrich-feathered gowns. The robes have made it into the movie, and after that there is nothing to stop them.

Soon, many different types of robes appeared in the fashion industry, as different designers toyed with the basic design and tried new materials, fabric cuts and embellishments. Today, the robes will definitely stay here, and there are many choices, you can choose what style to wear.

The type of robe

The robes are a fairly straightforward and simple design. But among the basic features of the robe, there are many different designs and many different styles. How many different types of robes have you worn? After reading this list, you may choose to improve your robes game.


Perhaps the most famous type of robe is the bathrobe. Bathrobes are usually made of soft fabric and are designed to be soft, almost towel-like. Bathrobes usually mean a bit of loose fitting, and in the most common designs there is a attached belt. The bathrobe can be of any length, from a short thigh-length design to a long ankle-length creation.

Bathrobe designs are the kind of robes you often find in hotel rooms and spas. They are soft, comfortable, and moisture-absorbent.


The classic bathrobe has a attached belt, two large square front pockets, and a shawl collar. This is a traditional, classic bathrobe, and when someone mentions the word bathrobe, it’s probably the first thing that comes to mind. These robes are usually made of Terry cloth, velvet, cotton, bamboo and wool and are soft and comfortable. The classic nightgown is a versatile nightgown.

Dressing Gown

One of the most common types of gowns is a dress or family dress. It is an open, loose-fitting robe worn before or after the outer garment. These robes are generally light and have some embellishment or embellishment, but the design can also be simple.

Dresses of any length, in all colors and patterns, in all kinds of fabrics.


Hooded robes are also found in bathrobes, but they are primarily associated with athletic robes, such as the lightweight satin robes worn by boxers. Hooded robes can be of any length and are made of a variety of materials. A hooded robe can be a bathrobe or a home coat.


The Robe of a judge, or of a barrister, is highly recognizable. They are black, high-necked, and very full and plump. In the United States, these robes are worn by judges in court. In England, they are worn by lawyers, where they are called barristers.

The tradition of wearing special clothes in court goes back to the 1327. At the time, the king’s Edward the Confessor ordered judges to follow a dress code when attending the royal court. Because of this, fancy court attire for those involved in the law soon became the norm, with many barristers and judges wearing long, rich gowns in red and other eye-catching colors.

The 1637, the Deputy Lieutenant, ruled that lawyers should dress according to their social status. Since then, lawyers have been wearing gowns made of practical, rather simple designs. Some people added small decorations to their robes, but it didn’t last long.

At the 1700s, the lawyers began to wear long, somber black robes, complete with no embellishments. This style was adopted throughout England and spread to the United States, where it is still the robe of the judge today.


Kimono robes are different from other styles because they have no collar. The kimono is one of the oldest designs, dating back at least to the 700s. Kimono became the main clothing for Japanese men and women.

It is a long, full-bodied, wrap-around garment with wide sleeves, tied with a belt, which is wrapped and knotted in a special way. Over the centuries, the kimono became more elaborate, and its modern design did not emerge until the late 19th century.


In the 19th century, tobacco became a popular commodity in Europe. Cigars are a special kind of fun, and soon, smoking cigars became a hobby to enjoy. The men began to smoke their cigars with gusto.

They love the activity, but there’s a problem: the smell of smoke clings to their clothes. This was the birth of the idea of a smoking jacket. Basically, it’s a fancy robe. Hugh Hefner in Playboy is famous for wearing one of these clothes.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many different types of robes, as well as the long and interesting history that led to them. Almost every different style of robe has its own story. But it also makes things more complicated.

If you still have questions about home coats, bathrobes and robes, we’ve got answers to the most common questions about this ancient garment.

What is the most comfortable fabric for robes?

Robes are designed for comfort and are usually made of luxurious fabrics and soft materials such as cotton, linen, terry cloth and silk.

Robes can be made from any material, including synthetic, and each person’s skin reacts differently to certain fibers. Natural materials, such as cotton and silk, are generally less irritating and itchy to the skin than other options. However, you never know which material will feel best for your skin until you try it

How Do I clean my robe?

Some gowns are made of more expensive materials, or they are decorated with designs. They might have feathers or embroidery, or some kind of super-soft material that you don’t want to destroy. But at some point, you’ll want to wash your robe. Make sure you do it in the right way to avoid any damage to the fabric or design.

Before you put on the robe, check to see if there is a label somewhere inside the robe or at a seam. Often, clothes will have a comprehensive care label that provides detailed instructions on machine washing and drying. If you can’t find a specific description, you should be able to see the fabric composition of the robe. This will tell you what the robe is made of, so you will know how to properly wash and dry the fabric.

Once you have more information about the robe, you can wash your robe. Silk robes can be washed in warm water mixed with a little mild shampoo. Baby shampoo is the ideal choice. Switch the robes gently in the water for a few minutes, rinse them gently, then lay them flat on a towel to dry.

Cotton, microfiber and synthetic robes can be gently circulated in the washing machine with cold water. Dry at a low temperature. This gentle treatment and lower temperatures can prevent shrinkage. If your robe has intricate embroidery, feathers, lace, or other embellishments, you may want to consider sending it to a dry cleaner.

What is the most common fabric for robes?

Robes can be made of any color and appear to be any fabric of any design. But you’ll see that some robes are more common than others. Wool, Flannelette, flannel, cotton, satin, silk, cashmere, Chenille, microfiber and synthetic fiber fabrics are most common in the robes structure.

How should the robes match?

In classic designs, robes are made into slightly larger, looser garments with large full sleeves and a large amount of fabric. In modern fashion, however, robes can be made more compact. In other words, a gown can be very loose-fitting or have a more fitting design.

The main thing is that the gown should be comfortable, so choose the style that feels best for you. Because they are made with a hemming design, the robes have a bit of a bespoke feel in any case.

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